An adventurer at heart, Tammy has explored ruins in Rome, Pompeii, and Istanbul (Constantinople) with historians and archaeologists.
She’s slept in the tower of a 15th century castle in Scotland, climbed down the cramped tunnels of Egyptian pyramids, scaled the Sydney Harbour Bridge, sailed on a tiny raft down the Yulong River in rural China, dined at a Bedouin camp in the Arabian Desert, and escaped from head-hunters in the South Pacific.
I suppose one could say her own childhood wish of time traveling adventures came true…in a roundabout way.

As a kid, Tammy loved to read books and watch shows like Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables. She loved anything set in the old days.
At ten-years-old, she began to wonder about time travel.
Tammy’s biggest wish was to end up back in the pioneer era and hang out with spoiled Nellie Oleson. Who knows why she wished for Nellie over Laura Ingalls, but it probably had something to do with the fact that the Oleson family owned the candy shop.
Tammy had it all figured out. She didn’t want to live in the 18th or 19th century; she’d miss her family too much – not to mention modern comforts. She needed the freedom to travel back and forth through time.
So strong was her wish to time travel that she even dressed the part – as much as possible – without raising anyone’s suspicions. Wearing dresses and a white bonnet every day, when all her friends wore jeans and t-shirts, she had to be prepared just in case it worked and she was whisked through time.
If she ended up in Walnut Grove or Avonlea she’d be prepared for the adventure.
By the sixth grade, Tammy realized time travel probably wasn’t going to be a reality for her, but decided that when she grew up she’d write a series about a girl who could travel back and forth through time.
Photo: Tammy and her cousin, who probably wishes to stay anonymous. Ha!

Not one to give up on fairy-tales, Tammy discovered a way to time-travel without magic. Trading her bonnet for a passport, she’s spent her adult life exploring the world and having grand adventures with her husband and son.
Armed with historians, archaeologists, and Egyptologists who manage to bring history to life for her, Tammy can’t help but be inspired to come home and share adventurous tales with others.
She resides in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada with her husband of over thirty years. Now an empty nester, Tammy spends most of her spare time puttering about the garden with her best buddy, Harry.
Photo: Tammy with her son and Harry at Hopewell Rocks, NB.